Thorn EMI Video (UK) Wiki
Thorn EMI Video (UK) Wiki
What a Picture!

What a Picture! Volume 2 is a pre-certed UK VHS released by Thorn EMI Video on September 1983.


John Hedgecoe, Professor of Photography at London's Royal College of Art and best-selling author, presents this series of 4 programmes covering all aspects of photography: from the mastery of the tools and techniques to the development of perception - the co-ordination of eye and camera. In the first half of this programme, he demonstrates the principles of composition and the use of light: how best to select and arrange a studio still-life and how to control the depth of focus when photographing outdoors. In the second part he explores the world of the professional photographer. We learn the art of flattery with light in photography, and how to create images of the nude, both erotic and romantic.


  1. Lightning and Composition
  2. Faces and Figures